David Woroboff has shown that there is a constant and growing need for innovation related to the medical world
In times of uncertainty, the application of telerehabilitation services through videoconference over the Internet is the best way to maintain the continuity of the physical therapy programs required by people with some motor impairment, whether they are diagnoses, exercises, or treatments.
In this way, those with minor ailments such as muscle overload, neck pain, low back pain, etc., can obtain their personalized exercise program directly from an application developed by David Woroboff. Meanwhile, those users with more serious pathologies such as sciatica, fractures, cervical sprains, or others are referred to the corresponding health professional.
Telehealth uses electronic devices and virtual technology to provide health care beyond the usual environment, allowing real-time communication between patients and professionals. It is also known as e-health, remote care, telerehabilitation, telecare, or telemedicine.
When stay-at-home orders are implemented, telemedicine serves as a bridge for continuity of care. What allows the flexibility of telemedicine is to advance in the mission of reducing barriers and meeting the patient in the place where he resides, explains the specialist David Woroboff.
Delivers innovation in the medical world
The digital transformation in recent times inevitably leads to a new style of accessing healthcare. In this sense, remote care using digital systems is of great importance in caring for patients far from the means of primary and specialized care.
The virtual care experience has evolved in response to the needs of patients. In this sense, David Woroboff, with his preparation and extensive expertise, has accelerated the public and professional experience of technology’s role in the future health system. This professional has shown a constant and growing need for innovation related to this industry.
To reach as many people as possible
David Woroboff continues to create comprehensive and integrated models of care, and this alternative extends the ability to reach a greater number of people without the need for transfers, being able to provide the health service remotely. Without prejudice to the added value of an interview with listening, with time to make a good semiology and establish diagnostic plans.